Breakthrough to Nursing

What is BTN? — The Breakthrough to Nursing project aims to increase the number and diversity of nursing students!

Ncans Specific Initiatives

Here’s an example of a BTN project held by our BTN Director, Triniti, titled “From High School To Healthcare: The Nursing Journey.” Take a look!

From High School to Healthcare: The Nursing Journey is a program, designed to inspire and guide local high school students who are interested in college and healthcare careers. 

Your chapter will visit a local high school to deliver a dynamic presentation that introduces students to the possibilities within the nursing field and the broader healthcare industry. Through this session, we aim to spark curiosity and broaden students' mindsets, encouraging them to see the value of pursuing higher education, particularly in healthcare.

Following the presentation, an engaging Q&A panel where students can ask questions about the college experience, nursing specialties, and various pathways in healthcare. This interaction provides students with a unique opportunity to learn firsthand from those who have navigated these journeys, offering valuable insights and real-world perspectives. The goal is to demystify the path to college and make careers in healthcare more accessible and appealing.

The event will conclude with a fun and hands-on activity, such as a PPE contest or CPR demonstration, ensuring an interactive learning experience. These activities not only teach essential skills but also show students how a career in nursing can be both impactful and life-changing. By participating, students can envision themselves in these roles, helping them realize how pursuing a college education and a career in nursing can positively transform their lives and the lives of those they will care for in the future.

How can we improve the overall nursing population?

Try to focus your BTN projects around the following ideas:

  • Recruitment and retention

  • Minority recruitment

  • Men in the profession

  • Young students

  • Non-traditional students

  • Mentoring and support of all enrolled in professional nursing programs

Visit NSNA for all Breakthrough to Nursing resources!