Meet your Board

Meet your Board

Meet the 2024-2025 NCANS Board! We're eager to grow and make a difference together with our nursing community.

Click below to find out how you can join our future board of directors!

  • Kyndall Estep


    Hi! My name is Kyndall Estep, and I am honored to serve as the NCANS President for 2024-2025. I take great pride in this role, working alongside amazing individuals to educate and support nursing students across North Carolina. Last year, I served as the Breakthrough to Nursing Co-Director and a Director at Large on the NCANS board.

    I am currently a BSN student at UNC Chapel Hill, set to graduate in May 2025. At the school level, I also serve as the President of the UNC Association of Nursing Students. My involvement extends to volunteering with UNC’s Student Health Action Coalition (SHAC) and representing the UNC School of Nursing as a Student Ambassador.

    Originally from Lexington, NC, I enjoy spending my time gardening, raising chickens, traveling, and being with my family. After graduation, I plan to work in a critical care setting before pursuing further studies in nursing business, leadership, and education.

  • Madison Lane, RN

    Vice President

    I started my nursing journey at Catawba Valley Community College and graduated with my ADN in 2024 and am currently attending Appalachian State University with the intention of graduation in July 2025. I served at President of my school ANS chapter at CVCC from 2023-2024. After getting my BSN, I hope to continue to make a difference in emergency medicine on each patient I come in contact with. As NCANS Vice President, I hope to continue to improve the dynamics and relationship between NCANS and local chapters! I also hope to have a successful Midyear Convention as well as Annual Convention!

  • Emily Vitale


    I’m so excited to be serving you as your secretary on the 24-25 NCANS board of directors. I started my nursing journey at Wake Tech Community College (Go Eagles!) and am continuing my education at UNC this fall. Go Tarheels!

    I’ve always felt called to serve my community and I chose to pursue a career in nursing as a way to do so, after witnessing nurses in my community and across the United States drive positive change through clinical practice, leadership, and efforts to influence health policy during the 2020 pandemic. After getting my BSN, I hope to make an impact at the bedside and eventually continue my education to become a pediatric NP serving rural areas in the state.

    During my term, I’m looking forward to contributing and learning from the great team we have on this year’s board. Together, I hope we can be a resource to uplift and empower our fellow NC nursing students.

  • Mia Brazeau


    I'm excited to serve as the Treasurer on the NCANS board! As a rising senior at UNC Chapel Hill, I'm really passionate about pediatric nursing and hope to further my education in this field. In my free time, I love playing pickleball and running. I can't wait to see what we achieve this year and am looking forward to all we can accomplish together.

  • Triniti Cephas

    Breakthrough to Nursing Chair

    I am deeply passionate about the potential for student advocacy to catalyze positive change in nursing breakthroughs. My extensive background in leadership roles both on and off campus has equipped me with the skills and vision necessary to excel in this position.

    Having served as my school chapter President, mentored youth in Zone 1 schools, and guided students through the honors college here on campus, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of fostering diversity, inclusivity, and mentorship.

    Now, I'm eager to leverage these experiences to serve as a catalyst for change within NCANS!

  • Alicia Lillywhite

    Publications Director

    My name is Alicia, I am currently a BSN 1 at UNC Chapel Hill SON, and I am so excited to start this journey as NCANS’ Publications Director. I hope to use this position to advocate for all nursing students to be well-informed throughout all their studies through our Instagram page (northcarolina_ans), this new website, and our quarterly publication, the Hypodermic. Outside of NCANS, professional goals of mine include becoming a travel nurse and one day a NP.

  • Anna Kate Willis

    Legislative Director

    Hello, my name is Anna Kate Willis. I have the honor of serving as your legislative director! I'm currently a senior nursing student at Catawba College in Salisbury, North Carolina. I'm passionate about nursing and advocating for change. I'm looking forward to connecting with nurses, legislators, and students to educate and push for improvements in nursing practices. My goal is to earn my DNP and work with underserved communities locally and internationally. Outside of nursing, I love spending time with my dogs, taking photos, reading, and watching movies. If you're interested in legislation, check out the resource tab labeled "All Things Legislation."

  • Madelyn Bowers

    Director at Large

    Hello everyone! I am currently a rising BSN 4 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I am currently the School of Nursing Vice Chair, and your state Director at Large.

    While I am still exploring which field of nursing I want to pursue after graduation, I am passionate about continuing my education in the future.

    As one of NCANS Directors at Large I serve to advocate and communicate between all nursing schools and students across our state! I cannot wait for all the good things to come from this year.

  • Jennifer Lopez Saavedra

    Director at Large

    My name is Jen and I am currently enrolled in Cabarrus College’s Accelerated BSN program! Following graduation, I hope to gain experience as a nurse in pediatrics. Some of my favorite things to do are spending time with friends and family, going to the beach or lake, and trying new coffee shops! I am excited to be a part of the NCANS Board and be able to support future nurses across North Carolina!

  • RJin Atienza

    Director at Large

    RJin Atienza is a senior at UNC Chapel Hill. As one of the directors at large, RJin hopes to promote communication and outreach towards other nursing school, helping them get more involved with NCANS and the events they put out. After graduation, he hopes to work as an ED nurse for a while to get some experience and hopefully pursue a DNP/PhD dual degree in the future. When he has free time, RJin likes to watch horror videos in the dark while bundled up in blankets, and hanging out with his best friends.

  • JaLynn Biddy

    Director at Large

    My name is JaLynn Biddy, and I am currently attending North Carolina Central University, where I am on the Traditional BSN track. I proudly serve as the co-president of our Student Nursing Association (SNA) board. With a previous Bachelor’s degree in Behavioral and Social Sciences, I am dedicated to advancing the nursing profession.

    In my role, I aim to expand the internal network of the NCANS and amplify the Breakthrough to Nursing initiative, which focuses on promoting diverse nursing career pathways beside bedside.

    After graduation, I plan to pursue a Master’s Degree in Nurse Midwifery and a PhD in Nursing from Duke University. My ultimate goal is to become a nurse researcher with a focus on health equity, particularly within Black and Latino communities, and to influence legislation and policies positively.

    In my free time, I enjoy walking around the lake, singing, and playing on my PS5.

  • Valerie Webster

    Director at Large

    I am excited to be serving as a Director at Large. I am beginning my nursing journey in the Fall at Catawba College in Salisbury, North Carolina. I am a cheerleader at Catawba and a licensed cosmetologist! Some of my favorite things are tennis, hanging out with friends and family, and vacationing! While I do not have much experience with nursing, I can't wait to get started. I am excited to be a part of the NCANS Board!

  • Nancy Thompson, DNP, MSN-Ed, RN

    State Consultant

    My name is Nancy Jo Thompson, and I am thrilled to serve my third year as NCNA Consultant to NCANS! I am a full-time assistant professor in the SON at UNC-CH and I work PRN as an Administrative House Supervisor at UNC Chatham Hospital. I am excited to share diverse healthcare experience, including organizational leadership, maternal health, critical care, education, and simulation with the future nurses of NC! My scholarly work includes developing a series of Patient-Centered Modules for PAHO/WHO and the Support, Uplifting Communication, Collaboration, and Education to Sustain Success (SUCCESS) Mentor Model, which focuses on recruiting, training, and retaining the nursing workforce. I am truly honored and humbled to mentor NCANS members and future nurses! I love travel (anywhere), kayaking, hiking, and spending time with family.

  • Lisa Snow, DNP, MSN, MSAEd, RN

    State Consultant

    My name is Lisa Davis Snow, and I am excited to serve my second term as NCNA Consultant to NCANS!

    Currently I am full time faculty at Randolph Community College’s Associate Degree Nursing Program in Asheboro, NC. I also serve as the faculty advisor for RCC’s Student Nurses Association. I am a retired nurse manager from Atrium Health at CHS-Anson. In my over 40 years as a registered nurse, my practice focus has been in the areas of medical/surgical nursing, leadership, continuing education, training and development, and academics. I believe myself to be an example of a lifelong learner, with graduate degrees in Organizational Change and Leadership, Adult Education and of course Nursing. My DNP capstone project was on the impact faith community nurses have on post-acute care patient discharge instructions, patient education and associated patient satisfaction. I also served as a member of the North Carolina Nurses Association Board of Directors for two terms from 2015 – 2019. I am truly honored to serve as a mentor to NCANS members, to all future nurses, and be a liaison for faculty advisors.

    My other interest includes quality time with my family and friends (which includes my boxer Bella), food and flower gardening, and all forms of art.

Board Archives

2018-2019 Board

  • Lisa Benton- President

    Ruth Sarah Newell- Vice President

    Kynadee Hoke- Treasurer

    Brooke Walker- District II Director at Large

    Sheldon Radford- District III Director at Large

    Randie Ware- District IV Director at Large and Secretary

    Korinne Coert- District V Director at Large

    Kristopher McMurray-Breakthrough to Nursing Director

    Amanda Tertychny- Legislative Director

    Lily Siedschlag- Publications Director

  • Kristopher McMurray- President

    Amanda Tertychny- Vice President

    Korinne Coert- Treasurer

    Shay Stout- Secretary

    Sarah Allen- District I Director at Large

    Debra Cunningham- District II Director at Large

    Nigel Saunders- District III Director at Large

    Kaitlyn Chambers- District IV Director at Large

    Kimberly Winn- District V Director at Large

    Sheika Bronson- Breakthrough to Nursing Director

    Brandon Dressen- Legislative Director

    Jessica Salvo- Publications Director

  • Sydney Jones Crawford- President

    Caroline Roseman- Vice President

    Katelynn Shearin- Treasurer

    Madd Grace Heartley- Secretary

    Heather Chapman- Breakthrough to Nursing Director

    Camille Zarzar- NCNA Staff Liaison

    Lynne Braxton- Consultant

    Nancy Jo Thompson- Consultant

  • Caroline Roseman- President

    Rachel Wixted- Vice President

    Madison Lane- Secretary

    Olivia Tseng- Treasurer

    Mariah Reed- Publications Director

    Shana Cox- Legislative Director

    Alexis Ross- Breakthrough to Nursing Co-Director

    Kyndall Estep- Breakthrough to Nursing Co-Director

    Juanita Baldwin- Director at Large

    Nancy Jo Thompson- State Consultant

    Lisa Snow- State Consultant

2023-2024 Board